Dr. Paolo Zannetti, QEP, President and Founder

Dr. Paolo Zannetti is the President and Founder of The EnviroComp Institute. Dr. Zannetti has performed studies and scientific research in environmental sciences for more than 35 years. His activities have covered pure research in the fields of atmospheric diffusion and numerical computation, written publications, seminars and courses, project management, environmental consulting, editorial productions, and expert testimony. His major field of investigation and competence is air pollution.

He has written more than 250 publications, including the first comprehensive book in Air Pollution Modeling, which was published in 1990 (Amazon). The book is currently out of print but its scanned chapters can be downloaded here. A multi-volume, multi-author, revised and expanded edition of this book is being published under Dr. Zannetti's direction and editorial management.

Dr. Zannetti has studied air quality problems all over the world, often using computer models to simulate the transport and fate of atmospheric chemicals. In most of these cases, he simulated the ambient concentrations caused by the emissions using his own computer models and/or those developed and recommended by government agencies, such as the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA).

[Curriculum Vitae]